About aRtEffECt

Arteffect is a demo group founded on July 13th, 1997. We are seeking for nothing other than having fun! Just go where you want to be. Under the symbol of our friendship. Kick some ass. Lick some pussies. Die happy.

About homepage

The homepage is currently being served by Anadolu University VM server which is located in Eskisehir/TURKIYE. Most graphics done by Cori. Member gfx and all the HTML stuff by SSG. Qube had coded several CGI's for guestbook & counter but due to some technical limitations we had to use 3rd party junk. We think of a complete refinement of the homepage. Be patient for it.

How to contact?

Just send an e-mail to one of the members... Whoever you want.. Group has no leader. So don't look for one...